
Rock Your Rack 2021

Models Giving Back is pleased to present Rock Your Rack, an annual fundraising event combining the best of SL Music, Art, Dance and Fashion to support the work of breast

Trick or Treat Lane 2021

Trick or Treat Lane is a shopping market created in the  spirit of Halloween with 50+ quality designers creating spooky, halloween, and fall themed items. Each booth has a hidden (trick)

Uber: Holiday Round


Join me and top SL creators for Uber's holiday round! "Glitz" makeup set - 12 mix-and-match party looks for the holidays! Featuring festive colours, glitter eyeshadows, and berry tinted lips.

Black Friday Skin Sale

Shop the multi-store Skin Addiction Black Friday Sale for fantastic deals on skins, cosmetics, mesh body parts and more! I'm offering:** B-O-M SKINS FOR L$50 **** COSMETICS AT 75% OFF

11th SL Christmas Expo for RFL

12 regions of shopping & events await, all to raise money for a good cause! My popup shop at the Christmas Expo has 3 brand new releases and some favourites,

Candy Cane Hunt 2021

Search the in-world store to find 29 brand new seasonal items, each hidden in a tiny candy cane! These lovely items include skins, cosmetics, and a party dress perfect for

St. Patty’s Day Hunt

Find the lucky rainbows at participating designers' stores for free or almost free goodies! Sponsored by Fabulously Free in SL Info: Hints: 1.) I’m feeling lucky!2.) Legs go!3.) Time

Skin Fair 2022

Don't miss the 2022 annual Skin Fair shopping event! Multiple sims of SKINS, COSMETICS, MESH BODY PARTS, and MORE! NEW/EXCLUSIVE: "Ozone" makeup set in 4 fits for Omega and bakes-on-mesh.

Aurelias Easter Egg Hunt & Spring Market

Please join us for an Easter Egg Hunt & Spring Market on April 10 - April 20. Hunt Find the eggs for wonderful spring/Easter themed prizes! My egg contains dollarbie

Uber: Designer’s Choice

Join SL's top creators at the Uber shopping event! This round is designer's choice, and I'll be presenting new cosmetics add-ons for your favourite mesh head. "Flux" gradient/outlined lipstick -