
Trick or Treat Lane 2021

Trick or Treat Lane is a shopping market created in the  spirit of Halloween with 50+ quality designers creating spooky, halloween, and fall themed items. Each booth has a hidden (trick)

Uber: Holiday Round


Join me and top SL creators for Uber's holiday round! "Glitz" makeup set - 12 mix-and-match party looks for the holidays! Featuring festive colours, glitter eyeshadows, and berry tinted lips.

Black Friday Skin Sale

Shop the multi-store Skin Addiction Black Friday Sale for fantastic deals on skins, cosmetics, mesh body parts and more! I'm offering:** B-O-M SKINS FOR L$50 **** COSMETICS AT 75% OFF

11th SL Christmas Expo for RFL

12 regions of shopping & events await, all to raise money for a good cause! My popup shop at the Christmas Expo has 3 brand new releases and some favourites,

Candy Cane Hunt 2021

Search the in-world store to find 29 brand new seasonal items, each hidden in a tiny candy cane! These lovely items include skins, cosmetics, and a party dress perfect for

St. Patty’s Day Hunt

Find the lucky rainbows at participating designers' stores for free or almost free goodies! Sponsored by Fabulously Free in SL Info: Hints: 1.) I’m feeling lucky!2.) Legs go!3.) Time

Skin Fair 2022

Don't miss the 2022 annual Skin Fair shopping event! Multiple sims of SKINS, COSMETICS, MESH BODY PARTS, and MORE! NEW/EXCLUSIVE: "Ozone" makeup set in 4 fits for Omega and bakes-on-mesh.

Aurelias Easter Egg Hunt & Spring Market

Please join us for an Easter Egg Hunt & Spring Market on April 10 - April 20. Hunt Find the eggs for wonderful spring/Easter themed prizes! My egg contains dollarbie

Uber: Designer’s Choice

Join SL's top creators at the Uber shopping event! This round is designer's choice, and I'll be presenting new cosmetics add-ons for your favourite mesh head. "Flux" gradient/outlined lipstick -