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Explore the alaskametro<3 main store and surrounding grounds to find 24 exclusive prizes! This hunt runs for the month of August and features skins, cosmetics, nail appliers, and a beautifully patterned floral dress to find. Look for the colour coded flowers. Prizes are L$20 each, or, free for group members (must wear alaskametro<3 loves tag).
The sweetest fundraiser in SL! To benefit Doctors Without Borders/MSF. Exclusive to the Spoonful of Sugar Festival: "Yazmin" bakes-on-mesh skin in 5 tones, optimized for leLutka Evolution mesh heads "Yazmin" comes with and without eyebrows and freckles. Classic avatar and mesh body versions are included (hidden fingernails and toe shading to fit any mesh body).
From the creators of Bloom and Tannenbaum, Prism Events proudly presents Salem! Designed to evoke the tenor of the 1692 witch trials, Salem hits the grid just in time for Halloween with over 100 vendors and 2 ways to shop! Dive into Salem's Macabre Market and connect with artisans across the grid, selling autumn and
This 8th annual fundraising event combines SL musicians, artists, and designers into one 14 day event to raise funds and awareness for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. At 100% donation to the cause, I have a new exclusive lipstick set, a Limited Edition metallic eyeliner, and a L$10 hunt item in an exclusive recolour. EXCLUSIVE